Travel Advisor

Advisor - Caitlin Bartram

Caitlin Bartram



  • Chicago,
  • New Zealand,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Food & Wine

Profile details


American in New Zealand, happiest in the Mediterranean or by the fire in a British pub. Christmas and candle enthusiast.

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Travel style

My favorite thing about traveling is getting to "try on another life," as one of my good friends says. I love trying out the hyped-up spots, but even more than that, I relish uncovering the local neighborhood gems that you could find yourself enjoying on a random Tuesday night, hitting up the farmer's market and walking as much as possible. That being said, there's always a time and place for luxurious and grandiose travel moments, and I certainly make time for those, too! The time I look forward to most, though, is sitting down at an amazing dinner with a great glass of wine, blissfully exhausted from exploring while reflecting on the day's adventures.

Favorite hotels

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Advisor - Caitlin Bartram

Travel Advisor

Caitlin Bartram