Take It from Our Advisors: Why Being a Fora Advisor is One of the Best Jobs for Moms (and Dads!)

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The Modern Travel Agency

Fora Travel

    Henley Vazquez and her daughter Nola smile at each other

    Fora Co-Founder Henley Vazquez with her daughter, Nola

    At Fora, we understand that life is perpetually busy, so we meet you where you're at. 

    You do things on your terms, which is why being a Fora Advisor is one of the best jobs for moms and dads. Whether you're a single mom or dad, a stay-at-home mom or dad, a full-time boss, looking for a part-time job or craving a total career pivot, Fora has your back.

    But don't just take our word for it. Below, our advisors outline why being a Fora Advisor is one of the best jobs for moms and dads.

    Interested in joining us? Sign up to become an advisor today.

    First things first: what is a Fora Advisor?

    A Fora Advisor is someone who curates, plans and books travel (read more about the types of bookings Fora Advisors can make) — and earns money doing so. Think of a Fora Advisor as the modern-day travel agent, someone equipped with powerful tech tools and industry expertise, both of which Fora provides in our online travel agent training program, to plan and book all sorts of trips, from staycations to honeymoons and everything in between.

    Travel advising with Fora is the ideal job for moms and dads because it's *actually* flexible, meaning you determine your own schedule and work as much or as little as you'd like. Plus, we give you everything you need (training, technology, marketing expertise, community, one-on-one support) so you can direct your energy where it counts — planning stellar trips — without having to worry about the logistics. As a mom, you have enough to worry about. Leave the nitty gritty to us.

    Below, we outline what sets Fora apart from the other remote-work opportunities out there, and why being a Fora Advisor is the perfect job for parents.

    Fora's flexible, self-paced training means you get to work on your own terms

    Fora Advisors determine their own schedules

    Fora is meant to fit into your schedule, not the other way around. Our self-paced, asynchronous training was largely designed with busy parents in mind. (All three of our co-founders, after all, are parents themselves.) You work when you want, or when you can. It’s remote work — one with a legitimately flexible schedule — reimagined.

    According to Fora Advisor Natalie Kurtzman, "As I ramped up with Fora I have been able to take flexibility where needed: when I want to join my son's class on their field trip or take a week off during the holidays, I am able to do all of these things by managing my client load."

    In other words, you won't have to sacrifice anything else on your (very full) plate when you join Fora. Fora Advisor Laura Allen also appreciates this flexibility.

    "Booking travel fits perfectly into my schedule," she said. "Fora has been the perfect career move for me because the training is flexible and online — I was able to get up and running quickly, but on my own time."

    And we know your time is valuable. You shouldn't have to worry about fitting it all in, at unreasonable times. Fora works with you. You decide when, where and how much (or how little) you work as a Fora Advisor — it’s the best flexible job we know of. Plus, having an at-home job means you don’t have to stress as much about childcare during the day, a godsend for advisors with young children.

    "Sometimes I work after my son's bedtime, while he is at school or on the weekends," Fora Advisor Megan Stout added. "I have something I can be part of without outsourcing my child's care or worrying about what to do when he is home sick. I have the flexibility to work as much as I'd like, or plan ahead when I know something big is coming up."

    Say goodbye to stifling expectations (no quotas or minimums here)

    Many travel agencies require a minimum number of bookings, or set quotas that must be met within a specific (often unreasonable) time frame. We don't do that. Being a Fora Advisor should be fun and flexible work. (Speaking of flexible work, the remote work options are endless. Thanks to our integrated booking platform, you can book a hotel from anywhere: the school pick-up line, the grocery store, the doctor’s waiting room...)

    When you have to worry about fitting it all in, getting it all done or hitting those quotas, all the fun and flexibility is sucked out.

    "I love that I can work when I want, from where I want and that there is no expectation of sales goals/quotas or must-attend Zoom calls or meetings," said Fora Advisor Amanda Bates.

    Rigid booking expectations are flat-out unreasonable, especially for those who don't want a full-time job as travel advisor. (Being a working mother or stay-at-home mom is already full-time-job-plus.) Fora is meant to empower anyone with a love for travel to build a great career they love and enjoy, whether that's a full-time job, a side hustle or something else entirely. We meet you where you're at. At Fora, you call the shots.

    "This flexibility has been key to me being much happier as a working mom, more present with my child and all while pursuing something I'm super passionate about," Amanda added, "enabling me to create more memories traveling with my family."

    Fora Advisors don't have to choose between work and family

    Moms and dads are real-life superheroes. They truly do it all. But parents are also individuals, people with their own unique identity outside of being a mother or father. Sometimes society seems to struggle with the notion that moms or dads can be many things. We aim to debunk that notion.

    Moms and dads can be all the things. And when parents become Fora Advisors, they don't have to put themselves into a box. They don't have to choose between a career path (or side hustle) and parenthood. Both can be true. (If you can’t tell, we’re big about work-life balance.)

    "Being a travel advisor with Fora provides the ultimate flexibility to be an entrepreneur, build a business around my greatest passions and spend quality time with my family," said Fora Advisor Alli Widman. "Until I joined Fora, I didn't think this level of balance was possible."

    Fora advising is one of the best job opportunities for moms and dads seeking a welcoming community

    Fora Advisors at Live Forum 2023

    Fora Advisors at Live Forum 2023

    Forum, our community app, provides a good-vibes-only space for connection (and insider intel)

    A big reason being a Fora Advisor is one of the best career options for moms and dads is that it provides a warm community, one not connected to kids, daycare, back-to-school madness, the PTA or carpool. All Fora Advisors get access to Forum, our community app.

    "Having the community space Forum to access and connect with other advisors has been so beneficial,” said Amanda. “The best part is everyone is here to help. It is not a competitive atmosphere at all." 

    Forum is the go-to place for trip feedback, advice, organizing local meet-ups, event information, announcements...basically anything community-related (and Fora is big on community).

    "The advisor community is the most welcoming and helpful work community I've been a part of," said Fora Advisor Gray Grandy. "Everyone shares ideas, tips and thoughts."

    Building your own business is a big deal, and we're here to cheer you on every step of the way, as are our advisors

    Speaking of community, everyone at Fora is there to support one another. Starting something new, especially your own business, can be daunting. But another reason being a Fora Advisor is one of the best jobs for moms and dads is that you don't have to embark on the journey alone. There will be peaks and valleys, as with any venture (childrearing included), but everyone's in it together. You'll always have a hand on your back.

    "Staying at home with kids can be lonely, and Fora has provided a wonderful community, a creative outlet (I actually love the marketing piece) and income!!" Laura said. "I'm doing something I love even though I never thought it would be possible to start a new career with two young kids."

    Whether you have a question about cruises, are curious about the optimal email marketing strategy or want to know what the best hotel in Cabo for families is, the entire Fora community — Fora HQ and advisors included — is eager to help.

    "I felt community from day one at Fora," Fora Advisor Jill Albino said. "We were all in it together and everyone wanted to help each other succeed."

    Fora gives moms and dads everything they need to build a career they love

    Anyone, regardless of experience, can become a Fora Advisor

    Fora welcomes beginners, experts and everyone in between. When it comes to learning how to become a travel agent, we've got you. So if you're a parent who's never booked a hotel, or who already plans all of your friends' elaborate family vacations, there's something for you here.

    "It didn't matter that I hadn't done this before or had a book of business," said Fora Advisor Kelly Weinstein. "What mattered was that I had the drive, time and interest in doing this."

    If you love travel, you're 99% of the way there. We provide the training, tech, marketing tools (read more about how Fora helps you build your book of business), expertise, insider intel and community to make becoming a travel agent fun and fulfilling.

    "As a woman and a mom interested in working part time again," Kelly added, "that confidence in my ability and the tools Fora was offering were a gift."

    Speaking of tools, hear more about why our advisors love Fora's tech tools.

    Our training curriculum covers the ins and outs of the travel industry, so you gain the confidence to succeed

    We cover it all, from how to book (which is especially seamless thanks to our all-in-one booking platform) to how travel agents get paid to building relationships to destination-specific advice.

    "The training and support through the HQ team and fellow travel advisors is immeasurable," said Amanda.

    Gray added, "The training is second to none — there are new destinations discussed weekly and the breadth of information on specific suppliers is unmatched."

    We like to get granular — spotlighting a specific partner like the Four Seasons, say — and zoom out to discuss things like business strategy, marketing best practices, leveraging AI and more.

    "The exceptional training I received (and continue to receive), the contacts and the internal assistance from the Fora community helped me to very quickly build my business," said Fora Advisor Sara Wilcox. "It's something of my own (it pays!) and I'm still picking my kids up from school every day."

    The best jobs for moms and dads help them feel empowered and capable, and give them everything they need to be able to do so.

    "Fora literally removed all of the barriers to entry," Fora Advisor Katie McAvoy added. "There's so much destination expertise within the Fora community, in our training database, with partner hotels, etc., that I am confident even when I'm planning a trip for a location I've never traveled to. Without Fora, I wouldn't be doing something I love every day, and getting paid for it!"

    Time is everything, which is why Fora streamlines the marketing aspects of your business

    We'll say it again: we value your time, and we know that parents, especially, already have overflowing plates. That's why we streamline much of the nitty gritty for you, so you can focus on the fun stuff. We offer templates for advisors to create their own guides, social media posts and more. This marketing collateral increases visibility and the likelihood of attracting clients.

    Plus, our in-house marketing and technology experts leverage years of industry experience and familiarity with Google algorithms to benefit our advisors, so they can start raking in those leads and earning commission.

    "Having an editorial and marketing team review my content and quickly publish it has been a huge time saver," Fora Advisor Nicole Sansone said. "In this season of my life there just aren't enough hours in the day, and having these assets available from Fora to market my business helped me hit the ground running when I might have otherwise given up."

    Another reason being a Fora Advisor is one of the best jobs for moms and dads? You're doing your own thing

    Moms and dads are multidimensional, of course. You get to harbor numerous identities, many of which can be completely unrelated to being a mother or father. The beauty is that you get to decide.

    "It may sound like a cliché, but with Fora by my side I genuinely feel that my possibilities are endless," said Fora Advisor Timadge Berkhadley. "I take pride in creating those memorable experiences for others and finding my new sense of fulfillment in life."

    Interested in joining us? Sign up to become an advisor today.


    Author - Fora Travel
    Fora Travel

    We empower anyone with a passion for travel to transform it into meaningful revenue. Sign up to become a travel advisor today.