6 Jobs You Can Do Remotely While Traveling

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The Modern Travel Agency

Fora Travel

    A woman in trendy business attire chats on her laptop while working from a chic hotel room

    Want to explore the world and make a living? Perfect, because we’re breaking down six jobs you can do remotely while traveling. 

    Have a passion for travel and desire unlimited flexibility? Sign up to become a Fora Advisor.

    Can you really make a living while traveling and working remotely?

    Certainly. Although the choices we’ve outlined below are all surefire ways to live comfortably while traveling, you’ll find remote jobs in just about every sector and income range. And as the world continues its shift toward remote work, opportunities are only becoming more common.

    In a literal sense, how can you work remotely while traveling?

    You only need three things to work remotely while traveling: equipment, approval and planning.

    The right equipment & a good internet connection

    First, virtually all remote positions require a quality internet connection and a capable device, be it a smartphone, laptop or anything in between. For the most part, this might mean your travels are relegated to cities — at least during work hours. On the other hand, more advanced satellite connections and cellphone hotspots can make less-developed destinations more viable for working remotely.

    Approval from your employer

    This doesn’t apply to all employers that offer jobs you can do remotely while traveling, but it’s probably wise to let them know when you’re abroad, if only to account for time-zone differences and other factors that might affect communication. (It’s a bummer to get work calls at 4:00 a.m. when you’re halfway around the world, for example.)

    It’s also worth noting that some employers may expect you to stay put for any number of (real or arbitrary) reasons. In cases like these, approval may be necessary to prevent termination, unjust or otherwise.

    On the flip side — and we’re heading into spoiler territory here — the flexibility to work from anywhere is one of the best reasons to become a Fora Advisor. And obviously, if you’re your own boss — like an independent travel agent is — this is a moot point.

    Proper travel planning

    The New York City skyline at sunrise, with the Empire State Building prominently centered

    Finally, it’s important to plan well whenever you’re working remotely in a new place. You don’t want to book a hotel that’s not business friendly (no Wi-Fi, lacking coffee, etc.). Nor do you want to stay somewhere dull explicitly because the area is business friendly. Balance is key. 

    Most metropolitan cities around the world cater to jobs you can do remotely while traveling. For example, the coolest hotels in Vegas, any hotels in Downtown NYC and the best hotels in San Francisco usually have business centers, excellent Wi-Fi, great lounges and other amenities to enjoy during your downtime.

    That being said, if you travel off the beaten path, you may find yourself unable to complete tasks if you don’t plan smartly ahead of time.

    (A corporate travel agent excels at finding accommodations with professional amenities, by the way.)

    Does this only apply to side gigs and part-time work? Or full-time careers, as well?

    Plenty of people enjoy full-time, remote jobs while traveling. Just as well, many travel while taking on side gigs. There’s no wrong answer.

    (Want to learn about the ultimate travel side hustle? Check out our article.)

    Are there special skill requirements to work remotely while traveling?

    A degree of tech-savviness is helpful, especially if you run into technical issues while traveling. Great communication skills can also overcome potential hiccups.

    Otherwise, the desired skills will change with the position.

    6 jobs you can do remotely while traveling

    Read on for six jobs you can do remotely while traveling. 

    (P.S. Looking for jobs where you travel as a requirement? Our guide has options.)

    1. Accountant / bookkeeper

    Accountants, and especially freelance accountants who have multiple clients, can often work from anywhere. Fun fact: it’s actually common for freelance accountants to work from tropical destinations in the South Pacific or the Caribbean (hello, Grand Cayman resorts and Bahamas resorts). 

    The only potential downside is that you’ll need to have obtained a CPA license to do business in the United States. Moreover, some states may have additional requirements. You’ll also need exceptional math skills, of course.

    2. Writer / blogger

    A laptop with a word program open and historic buildings faintly visible through a nearby window, indicating remote work from a nice hotel

    One job you can do remotely while traveling without strict requirements is writing, at least to start (making it one of the best remote jobs for moms who don’t have extensive education or experience). In fact, traveling may be a great way to broaden your perspective and boost your content. 

    On the other hand, well-paying writing jobs are few and far between. Many writers only make meager amounts while the best writing jobs can be highly selective, requiring years of experience and deft skills.

    3. Most IT jobs

    Good IT jobs almost always require some type of certification, but they’re also consistently among the most remote-friendly careers. There are also a ton of options, from programming to cybersecurity, networking, repair and more.

    IT jobs tend to pay very well, and just about every large company in the world requires an IT team of some kind. But like accounting, IT jobs require a specific set of skills that aren’t necessarily learnable overnight. Many certifiable courses can be completed within a few days to a few months, but the best-paying jobs may require a specialized degree.

    4. Customer service representative

    Small companies around the world outsource customer service duties to remote workers rather than third-party call centers or in-house representatives. Oftentimes, the companies require the remote representative to handle set shifts, which means they’re free to engage their wanderlust otherwise. 

    Customer service jobs typically don’t require much education, with common requirements being proficiency in the language of the business. However, niche services or products may require some amount of technical expertise. On the bright side, the more technical, the better paying the job usually is.

    5. Data entry clerk

    Just as most large companies have IT needs, they also have a need for administrative roles like data entry clerks and similar positions. These jobs, while often described as mundane, also tend to be easy and require minimal training outside of whatever software a company likes to use. 

    The only major drawback is that most data entry jobs are entry level, and tend to pay like it.

    6. Travel advisor (a.k.a. travel agent)

    On Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia: a rocky beach leads up to a man standing just before rough surf at dusk

    Our favorite job you can do remotely while traveling (we’re a little biased): travel planning. 

    What does a travel agent do? They help people book and plan leisure and / or professional trips. The hours are completely flexible and the pay is generally dictated by the amount of work you put in (see our guide to Fora travel advisor salaries).

    Even better, at Fora at least, you don’t need any prior experience or education to get started. Rather, we provide everything you need.

    Intrigued? Sign up to become a Fora Advisor

    Or check out how travel planning stacks up against the positions we’ve mentioned thus far.

    What sets travel planning apart from other jobs you can do remotely while traveling?

    If you have a passion for travel, why not turn it into an income source? Here’s how being a travel advisor stacks up against other jobs you can do remotely while traveling.

    You don’t need education or experience to work remotely as a travel advisor

    On the one hand, some agencies require you to attend a travel agent school of some kind. But at Fora, we provide our own travel agent training, covering everything from the basics of booking to how to market your travel business

    Plus, you can complete all the required courses at your leisure, meaning you don’t have to worry so much about balancing your travels with your work. Perhaps aside from writing, none of the positions above offer that level of flexibility.

    (Curious to learn more? Our guide to how to become a travel agent covers the process in detail.)

    Remote travel planning can enrich your own travels

    Planning on traveling the world? Selling travel is one of the best ways to learn the industry inside and out, and there’s no reason you can’t put that knowledge to use for your own travels. 

    In fact, you may even find yourself traveling in support of your business.

    The earnings potential for Fora Advisors is unlimited

    How much do travel agents make? It depends on how much you book, of course. More than a few full-time Fora Advisors make north of six figures in commissions now. 

    (P.S. Luxury and corporate travel agents tend to make more than the average advisor, too. Just see our guide.)

    Can you really travel as a Fora Advisor?

    A woman in local attire takes pictures of the architecture in a historic courtyard in Bolivar Columbia

    Absolutely. Fora Advisors don’t have set schedules, residency requirements or anything of that nature. As long as you have an internet connection, you can work as much or as little as you'd like, and from anywhere in the world. Even among jobs in the travel industry, that’s rare.

    Want a job you can do remotely while traveling? Become a Fora Advisor

    Want to learn more about the coolest job you can do while traveling? Apply to become a Fora Advisor today (or check out all the reasons to become a Fora Advisor if you’re uncertain). 

    You can also learn more about travel planning via the guides below:

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    Furnished room behind open barn style doors