Debunking 3 Myths about Becoming a Travel Advisor

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The Modern Travel Agency

Fora Travel

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There are some serious misconceptions about travel advisors — we get it, and we’ve all heard ‘em. But we're here to smash those stereotypes. Read on as we debunk three myths about becoming a travel advisor, and learn why (spoiler alert!) Fora is the best place to start.

Ready to transform your passion for travel into $$$? Become a Fora Advisor.

Myth #1: Becoming a travel advisor requires a full-time commitment

Fora's booking platform allows you to book wherever, whenever

Hardly! While some agencies require advisors to work full-time, Fora does it differently (learn how to become a travel agent). Booking travel with Fora is an incredibly flexible career path that can be done full-time or "whenever-I-have-time." Fora’s training programs are designed to meet people where they are in life (not the other way around), with asynchronous training schedules that are optimized for busy lives. And once you’re up-and-running, it’s up to you how much time you want to spend booking travel. At Fora, there are no sales quotas or fine print — book as much as you want, always on your terms. Plus, you can do your work on the go thanks to our integrated booking platform. Remember, you’re the boss!

And if you want to book full-time? More power to you! Many travel advisors work full-time, planning dozens of trips at once. Others spend a few hours a week planning travel for their friends as a side-hustle, maintaining their full-time job or working as a full-time parent.

Learn more about Fora’s flexible, community-first training model.

Myth #2: I have to be a seasoned travel expert to become a travel advisor

Fora's creative lead Dajana gives Fora Advisors a social media 101

Nope! The only qualifications to become a Fora Advisor are a passion for travel and an internet connection. While destination knowledge and planning experience (even for your own trips!) is undoubtedly an asset, Fora’s training programs and ongoing resources are designed to help you hit the ground running — no experience required.

Fora’s approachable training programs welcome newbies entering the industry (in addition to experienced travel advisors). The certification program takes you through everything you need to get started, from making that first booking to hotel perks to travel insurance and beyond. Once you have your foundation, you can attend weekly live training sessions and Q&As — including destination-specific trainings, with all the intel you need to plan a trip — and receive 1:1 mentorship from industry leaders. And you can reference our library of resources & tutorials anytime. Plus, as a Fora Advisor, you'll unlock a treasure trove of knowledge from our global advisor community, accessed via our community app. TL;DR? You bring the passion, we’ll help you with the rest.

Read more about travel agent training (and how Fora does it differently).

Myth # 3: I either need an existing network of clients, or it’s up to me to find clients

While we recommend Fora Advisors start by booking travel for their personal network, including friends and family, it’s a common myth that travel advisors are “on their own” in terms of finding new clients. At Fora, we’re here for our advisors every step of the way, including equipping them with tools to build their book of business. We empower our advisors to generate client leads in two ways.

The first is through content creation. As a Fora Advisor, you can create unlimited user-generated content on Fora’s website, such as your profile, guides and itineraries, to demonstrate your expertise. And our in-house team optimizes your content with contact forms for prospective clients to get in touch about booking a trip. To date, advisors have received thousands of leads from their content, and are currently booking over $150k per month as a result of their user-generated content.

The second is Fora’s lead assignment program. Eligible advisors can choose to take on leads (new clients and trips) that come in directly to Fora by way of referrals and Fora’s website. And, unlike other agencies, Fora Advisors take the same commission on the trips they book via in-house leads.

Learn more about Fora’s game-changing lead program.

Intrigued? Download our free guide on How to Earn $$ by Booking Travel. You’ll find everything you need to know to turn your passion into profit. (Cha-ching.)

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