Fora *Leads* the Way: Spotlighting Our Game-Changing Client Lead Program for Advisors

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The Modern Travel Agency

Fora Travel

    It’s a question many new advisors ask: How exactly do I get new clients?

    Enter Fora’s Client Lead Program. It’s a best-in-class strategy that allows travel advisors to build their client base & generate new bookings. Thanks to this industry-leading program, Fora Advisors receive client lead opportunities – in an industry where growth and lead-generation are notoriously tricky.

    (Craving more marketing intel? Read more about how to make your Fora profile stand out, and drive more bookings.)

    Ideas and inspo are great, but we’re about tracking real data - and the data is good. Our Client Lead Program is on pace to deliver $3.5m of bookings this year. Show me the money? Sure thing. 

    Fora Advisor Kerry Boyd

    But let’s back up. What exactly is a lead? Essentially, a lead is an opportunity to bring in new business – in this case, a chance to connect with a new client. “Lead generation” is a fancy term for bringing in new leads (a.k.a clients). Leads are often the first stop on the road to success.

    But this isn’t your grandmother’s lead program. We're leveraging tech, taste & talent (and alliteration…) to generate that magical connection between great clients and dedicated travel advisors. Our program allows Fora Advisors to obtain leads in two unique ways:

    First, advisors are empowered with content creation opportunities from Day One. From travel guides to day-by-day itineraries to hotel reviews, Fora Advisors can peacock their travel knowledge by creating unlimited user-generated content. (Read more about trip reports, our latest content marketing tool.) With the help of our creative team, this content is transformed into standalone pages on our website and designed with easy-to-use contact forms for prospective clients to get in touch and book a trip. In other words? It’s a go-to spot for new clients to find you – an “if you build it, they will come” approach, if you will.  

    …. And the old proverb couldn’t be more true. To date, advisors have received thousands of leads from their content, resulting in more than $200k in bookings per month as a result of user-generated content.

    The second way advisors can obtain leads is through Fora’s lead assignment program, which is offered to advisors of ‘pro’ status. Once they are eligible, advisors can choose to take on leads (new clients and trips) that come into Fora HQ directly. And, unlike other agencies, Fora Advisors take the same commission on the trips they book via in-house leads. When we say we put advisors first, we mean it.

    We call this process “assigning leads,” and it’s managed by our expert staff at HQ. But don’t let the word ‘assignment’ fool you. Advisors can select which leads they want to take on (if any) according to their specific preferences and expertise. To provide travelers with the best experience, we ensure that the advisor has booked that specific destination before and can service the request in a timely manner – win/win.

    We created this lead program to help our advisors thrive (of course) and provide growth opportunities that are missing at other host agencies. Traditionally, travel agencies expect advisors to find their own clients – and if there is a lead program, agencies are known to take extra commission from leads they have assigned. (Read more about how travel advisors get paid, and how Fora does it better.)

    Ready to get in on the action? Sign up to become a Fora Advisor today. 

    We recently hosted an online event covering all the details you need to know about Fora's Client Lead Program, hosted by Evan and Henley – two of Fora's co-founders! ICYMI, you can catch the recording here.


    Author - Fora Travel
    Fora Travel

    We empower anyone with a passion for travel to transform it into meaningful revenue. Sign up to become a travel advisor today.