How to Make Your Fora Profile Stand Out: 4 Tips from Our Content Team

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Fora Author Fora Travel

The Modern Travel Agency

Fora Travel

    Your Fora profile is key to making you stand out as a travel advisor and attracting more clients (a.k.a. bookings $$$).

    In need of some inspiration? Below, we've laid out some valuable tips and strategies to help you elevate your Fora profile and attract more bookings, ultimately boosting your success as a travel advisor. (Also learn more about how to become a travel agent.)

    Not yet an advisor? Take the first step toward building your dream job by joining us today.

    Tip 1: Unleash your creativity

    Fora Advisor Rabia Malik

    Get creative and adopt a conversational tone for your Fora Advisor profile. Imagine you're talking to a close friend. Include a headshot as well, even if taken with a smartphone. (Portrait mode is your best friend.) This authenticity helps showcase your personality and builds the trust of your new clients.

    Tip 2: Visual appeal matters

    Enhance your profile by sending in relevant travel pictures when you submit. Clients (and us, of course) love seeing photos from your trips. Whether it's travel images on your profile or pics used for trip reports and guides (content marketing tools we provide our advisors — more on that below), visuals can elevate your content and build trust.

    Tip 3: Show, don't tell

    Fora Advisor Sway Faroqi

    Spotlight your expertise by creating travel guides and trip reports, which will appear on your profile. These marketing tools allow you to highlight a recent vacation, review a favorite hotel, offer in-the-know travel advice on a certain destination and more — the sky's the limit! Sharing valuable insights shows your expertise and boosts your chances of getting bookings.

    Specificity is key. And it makes it easier to create content: a foodie's guide to Negril, for instance, is easier to narrow down favorites for than an ultimate guide to Jamaica. Niche topics are also more Google friendly, and increase the likelihood that a curious traveler will come across your guide on the internet, ultimately driving traffic (and business) to your profile.

    When making a trip report or guide, do a brainstorming session and drop all of your ideas into a Google doc (or good ol' fashioned notebook). Organize from there. Include relevant links for things like restaurants, museums and other attractions you recommend. Use descriptive language, and feel free to talk in the first person, which further helps with the trust-building.

    Another pro tip: take notes while you're on the trip. It makes it easier to flesh out those travel guides later.

    And we recently launched a new feature sure to help your profile sparkle: reviews! When a client talks you up, that testimonial is a great way to further showcase your travel expertise and savviness.

    Tip 4: A little polish goes a long way

    Fora Advisor Fallon Alexandria

    Proofread and edit your work to eliminate grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and typos. If possible, have someone else give it a read. (We always love an extra set of eyes.) 

    Consider using an AI generator like ChatGPT as an additional step to check grammar. But always remember to review the output manually.

    By following these expert tips, you'll level up your Fora profile, and ultimately attract new clients who are excited about your valuable insights and recs. (Also, read more about how travel advisors get paid, and why Fora does it better.)

    Not yet an expert? Not to worry! Sign up to become a Fora Advisor today. We'll teach you everything you need to know to start building your dream job in travel.

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