Travel Advisor

Advisor - Olivia Coflin

Olivia Coflin


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  • Spain,
  • Telluride,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Food & Wine

Profile details


A perpetual wanderluster with roots in Colorado and California – 14 countries down, countless more to go.

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Travel style

In 2021, I put my things in storage and traveled the world for nine months. From bungalows in Costa Rica to villas in Santorini, I live for unique and exciting accommodations and culinary experiences. I enjoy traveling like a local, seeking out the best hidden gems, farmers markets and must-do activities. A self-proclaimed foodie, my favorite destination in the world (thus far) is San Sebastian, Spain. If you enjoy highly-curated, boutique stays and adventures, you've come to the right place!

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Advisor - Olivia Coflin

Travel Advisor

Olivia Coflin