Travel Advisor

Advisor - Kaya Flostrand

Kaya Flostrand

Fora - Logo


  • Italy,
  • France,
  • Scandinavia,
  • Brazil,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • City Travel

Based in

Norway & Italy

Languages spoken

English, Italian, French, Scandinavian

Profile details


Addicted to traveling for as long as I can remember. Lived in Oslo, London, Paris, Rome, Beirut, Bahrain, Rio de Janeiro and Düsseldorf. Italy is my boomerang country. I am at 49 countries and counting.

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Travel style

My travels tend to revolve around food and wine. I will seek out hotels, restaurants and bars in advance, often relying on my trusted network of friends around the world. I will gladly drive for hours to visit a lesser-known winery or a restaurant that's off-the-beaten-path. I prefer sunsets over sunrises.

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Advisor - Kaya Flostrand

Travel Advisor

Kaya Flostrand