Travel Advisor

Advisor - Kate Van Berkum

Kate Van Berkum




  • Europe,
  • UK,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Boutique Travel

Based in

New York City

Profile details


You could say I'm NYC-based, but I'm typically found heading off on some new adventure or visiting friends made through travels past.

Travel style

I'm most passionate about seeking out the hidden gems and more authentic experiences in any new place, combined with a few indulgences. It's all about finding the balance between experiencing those note-worthy checklist items while still leaving room for life to unfold naturally along the way. My favorite places to stay tend to be within walking distance of a lively or historic neighborhood where I can feel like a local while still having a comfortable and quiet hideaway to recuperate between daily adventures. I try to immerse myself into the pace of a local community as much as possible and find that when I keep an open mind, the most wonderful experiences tend to present themselves.

Favorite hotels

Kate's travel photos

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Get in touch with Kate

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Advisor - Kate Van Berkum

Travel Advisor

Kate Van Berkum