Travel Advisor

Advisor - Amanda Kent

Amanda Kent

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  • Europe,
  • Atlanta,
  • Family Travel,
  • Solo Travel

Based in

The Hollywood of the South

Profile details


Georgia based travel enthusiast always looking for my next destination. Insatiable desire to see every country and eat my way through it. I am a budget traveler, an avid foodie and love a boutique hotel in a tucked away corner of the world.

Travel style

On any given vacation you can usually find me seeking out the most famous hike in the area, lounging in the ocean, or finding the best spot to curl up and read my book of the moment. A perfect day would start by finding a local coffee shop while getting lost in the streets of a new town. I thrive on a red eye flight across the Atlantic to wake up in a new country and start exploring. However, I think theres also something to be said about a lazy beach vacation where the white sand is steps from your back door. I want to see as much of the world as possible and help you plan your next trip with the same enthusiasm as if I were planning my own!

Amanda's travel guides & trip reports

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Get in touch with Amanda

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You can normally expect a response from Amanda within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Amanda Kent

Travel Advisor

Amanda Kent