Want to Travel Like a Local? Here's How a Fora Advisor Can Help You

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Fora Author Fora

The Modern Travel Agency


    Have you ever heard the phrase, “be a traveler, not a tourist?” 

    Let’s face it: when we think about “traveling like a local,” working with a travel advisor doesn’t always come to mind. Sure, it’s a great option for your honeymoon, or that bucket-list safari trip. But if you want to have a really local experience, does a travel advisor fit?

    Contrary to popular belief, using a travel advisor is one of the best ways to travel like a local. They can guide you to the most authentic restaurants, recommend off-the-beaten-path gems and steer you to the non-touristy hotels. Need convincing? If you’re looking for that truly local experience, here are a few ways Fora Advisors can help.

    Travel advisors can share their lived experience – and you get all the intel.

    Who better to plan your trip to Spain than someone who actually lived there? By being able to tap into their own experience, your travel advisor can guide you to a trip even better than one you could have planned yourself. Not only will you get advice on things to do, you’ll also benefit from recommendations on where to find a local grocery store, great restaurants that won’t be crowded with tourists and even tips on pronunciation.

    This is especially helpful if you’re looking for someone who has particular insight on something that’s unique to your travel experience – a need for wheelchair accessibility, for example, or recommendations for family travel with four small children. 

    Looking for more info on what travel advisors actually do? Check out our post: what is a travel agent?

    They can expand your network by leveraging their personal relationships.

    Because Fora Advisors build their business on knowing places, they not only have visited many of the places they’re recommending, but they have first-person relationships with key people on the ground. They personally know the General Manager of a hotel, or can recommend a great driver. 

    Having this network to add to your own makes it ten times easier to have a truly local experience – because you’re working with people, not numbers.

    Fora Advisors have access to a global community of other advisors and experts.

    Let’s be realistic: a travel advisor can’t know everything. That’s why having a global community of other advisors and experts just a click away is critical to getting that local experience you’re craving.

    Not only do Fora Advisors use their own expertise to plan trips; they also have access to hundreds of other travel experts who can give real advice based on their own experiences through our community portal. And if a destination really isn’t in your advisor’s portfolio of experiences, they can refer you to an advisor who does have knowledge about the place without you having to lift a finger.

    They’ll do the research to save you time.

    If you feel like you’re busier than ever, you’re not alone. We’re constantly taking on new projects, side hustles, and more – and planning a trip takes a lot of time. Even if you enjoy planning a trip, there’s a certain point where it can get exhausting. Having a travel advisor that can pick up some of the lift makes all the difference – and since they’re wholly focused on making your trip amazing, they have the time and energy to really look into the best recommendations and deals so you can have the customized and personal trip that you want to have.

    Ready for that local experience?

    Get in touch with hundreds of travel-savvy people who can plan your perfect trip – and it’s completely free. Connect with Fora & start booking your dream trip today. Or, if you’re feeling inspired, learn how to turn your passion for travel into $$$ with Fora.


    Author - Fora

    We’re a modern travel agency with a twist – one that is thoughtfully designed, proactively inclusive, tech-driven and well, cool. Learn more about us.