Travel Advisor

Advisor - Ashley Wunderlich

Ashley Wunderlich


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  • Disney World,
  • NYC,
  • Family Travel,
  • City Travel

Based in


Profile details


Travel devotee, prioritizing experiences and adventure as a family.

Travel style

After spending a summer in Torino in 2008, my love for travel and experiencing new places was born. While I appreciate a well-planned-out trip, I also appreciate last-minute travel and just going with it! After many years of travel without kids, I am enjoying my new travel pace with two kids along for the ride. Balancing family, solo and couple travels has been fun and fulfilling — travel doesn't have to end once kids enter the picture. I am passionate about helping families navigate travel with children (especially young children!) while creating memories and experiences. I am always looking for somewhere new to explore but appreciate revisiting my favorite places. Always having a Disney trip on the calendar is our new family motto!

Favorite hotels

Ashley's travel photos

Get in touch with Ashley

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You can normally expect a response from Ashley within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Ashley Wunderlich

Travel Advisor

Ashley Wunderlich