Travel Advisor

Advisor - Cody Rokosz

Cody Rokosz


  • USA,
  • Switzerland,
  • Adventure Travel,
  • Off-the-Beaten Path Travel

Based in

Sunny San Diego

Languages spoken

English, some Spanish

Profile details


The first app I open at work: Google Maps. Check my email: Conde Nast daily newsletter. Open Instagram: Travel Tips page. Talk to boss: So where's your next trip?

Travel style

I think what makes us humans in this world unique, is our ability to connect with the world and the people on it. So many people to learn from, so many activities to experience, so many sights to see. Everything I do while traveling is aimed towards this goal. I won't be the average tourist sightseeing in a big city. There's room for that, but my itinerary will find us walking on the cobblestone streets of a rustic countryside town, taking a train through a beautiful mountain pass or drinking coffee with the owner of an unknown cafe in front of Mt Fuji. I crave experiences that truly make you feel like a human that is part of this world because, to me, that feeling of connection is what makes life beautiful.

Favorite hotels

Cody's travel photos

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A man looking at a group of large rock formations outside. There is a golden sunset in the distance.
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Get in touch with Cody

Reach out to customize and book your own experience. Or, just to chat about travel in general.

You can normally expect a response from Cody within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Cody Rokosz

Travel Advisor

Cody Rokosz