Travel Advisor

Advisor - Madeline Winer

Madeline Winer



  • Copenhagen,
  • Mexico City,
  • Puglia,
  • Lisbon,
  • Arts & Culture,
  • City Travel

Profile details


NYC-based avid travel planner who is always dreaming about my next trip. Obsessed with finding boutique hotels and experiences that strike the perfect mix of high and low.

Travel style

I strive to strike the perfect balance of active and leisure travel. I enjoy making the most of every day when traveling – whether that's finding interesting museums, shops, cafes, hikes and so on – while always finding time to incorporate relaxation and an amazing meal at the end of the day.

Madeline's travel guides & trip reports

Favorite hotels

Get in touch with Madeline

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Advisor - Madeline Winer

Travel Advisor

Madeline Winer